5 Effective Social Media Strategies Egyptian Brands Should Follow
Ever thought of using social media as part of your marketing campaign program? The use of
social media could be totally demanding, especially if you don’t have a clear idea on how these
platforms work and how much time, energy and dedication you need to invest to see favorable results. In
fact, serious marketers try various strategies with their social media activities and experiment on what
will work best alongside their marketing goals. If you want to be in control of your social media
marketing, take time to read through these 5 effective social media management strategies.
- Regularly update all your existing social media accounts
If you find that you need to assume the responsibility of a social media manager, make sure
all your accounts are updated regularly like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other relevant channels. Let
your followers feel that there is a real person managing this particular outlet. Never create a social
media account and leave it idle for months without any signs of activity.
- Response to messages in a timely manner
If your main objective in joining social media networking sites is to improve your branding
awareness then respond to any message left by your followers in a timely manner. This is an effective
way to establish your credibility, whether you are in a service or product related business. It also
sparks a connection between you and your targeted audience. If you want your followers to see you as a
genuine individual, spend quality time to initiate a conversation around any of these areas:
- – Posts on your Facebook wall
- – Tagged quality photos
- – Your Facebook status update
- – Your direct messages on Twitter
Handle all comments, both positive and negative in a professional way. Never retaliate with
negative feedback.
- Post engaging topics to encourage interaction
It’s really quite complicated for any newbie marketer to easily find the right approach to
encouraging online interaction. How can you manage this particular social media activity? First of all,
it is vital that you add some creativity with every post you share on your social media profiles. If
possible, keep an editorial calendar of your posts. Use online tools that will make this task less
tiring like the Facebook scheduler, Hootsuite or Post Planner. If you found a viral topic being
discussed on social media channels, focus on it. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when needed to
establish your true personality or brand image. When sharing posts or ideas, you can try following these
- – Start with an intriguing question.
- – Share your personal view on trending topics
- – Share a quote for the day, blog or any content that will inspire others
- – Ask feedback from your followers about your offerings
- Connect with real followers
It has been proven not only by famous personalities, leaders of organizations, entrepreneurs
and even ordinary individuals that social media has the power to influence the masses. Don’t just focus
on your marketing plan, but use social media as your instrument to connect with your real followers who
could eventually be part of your branding awareness campaign. Let your target audience see you as
someone whom they can rely on for advice. Remember, once you’ve established yourself as a credible and
knowledgeable resource with an impressive image, the pieces of your original business vision will start
to fall into place.
- Assess your actions
At the end of the day it’s absolutely crucial that you take a moment to assess your social
media strategy. Ask yourself this simple question: “Are my efforts providing the desired outcome?” Track
your social media activity through online tools like Google Analytics. You can also benefit from your
Facebook Insights where you can receive reports on who viewed your web pages or initiated a direct
call-to-action. Monitor your efforts on a regular basis, either weekly or monthly. In the event some of
your social media activities aren’t producing positive results, change your marketing strategy or move
to your back-up plan.
Taking on the role of social media manager can be challenging and time consuming, especially
if you don’t know where or how to get started. The above ideas are just a sampling of some best
practices you could try in order to optimize any of your social media accounts.
In the event you don’t have the time, energy or social medial marketing expertise, you can
always hire a professional marketer or marketing agency to do this particular task for you. In this
event, you should look for a reputable individual or firm that understands and values your marketing