Never Stop Learning
months ago our team decided to determine the core values of our agency together, in a
brainstorming-like session a lot of values were discussed and we agreed on 5: Innovation, quality,
outstanding service, commitment and learning.
what your brand stands for, its core values and tone of voice, and then communicate consistently in
those terms”.
the past months we worked hard and closely with each other to keep up these core values. Since they
were chosen by us and not dictated by the top management, also because from the early beginning we set
our goal to be the leading agency in our industry these values were not set just to look cool on our
website, they were implemented in our day to day work, starting from our planning and work flow down
to smallest daily activity.
has been improved and still improving, the level of innovation reached its best, commitment has became
a regular behavior and we are still working on serving our clients in the best way we can. Overall
development of the agency has been noticed by us and our clients.
revamp was never possible without the fifth core value which is learning, but we figured out that till
now learning was done through individual initiatives. Each team member was learning more about his
skills, reading articles about the industry in general, which was good enough as a start, but learning
wasn’t still integrated in the agency workflow, so we decided to integrate it deeply.
important thing is not to stop questioning; curiosity has its own reason for existing.” – Albert
our monthly meeting held this Monday, each one of us wrote his main 3 skills on a piece of paper, then
starting from this week each one of us will open an account on SkillShare, a great website for online courses, and will start
taking courses for those skills (luckily SkillShare had a great
offer this week). We opened a channel on Slack to share the courses together and to recommend courses
to each other. We believe that learning is the air to our industry, so whenever we stop learning we’ll
very excited about this decision, and we are sure that the result will have a huge effect on our
quality and hence our clients will be served in a better professional way.